How I Engage

How I Engage

Bio | Resources | Involvements | Engage

Video Consultations

If you’re looking for quick advice or feedback, or just want to ‘pick my brain’ about something, I’m happy to share my expertise with you through a video consultation. While we can cover a wide range of topics, some common topics that high-performing founders, fund managers or corporate executives ask me about include:

  • Crafting a fundraising strategy and finding the right investors;
  • Perfecting investor or sales pitch decks and narratives;
  • Developing a successful go-to-market strategy;
  • Reviewing and giving feedback on proposed deals or term sheets;
  • Getting team members aligned or navigating sticky team and founder relations;
  • Debating the future of the Venture Capital, FinTech, AI and Blockchain markets;
  • Building your fund’s brand, developing founder deal-flow, and supporting portfolio companies;
  • Deciding if X is the right incubator, accelerator, or startup studio for you;
  • Making smart career moves aligned with your objectives;
  • Discussing potential investment in your deal or introductions to other investors;
  • Discussing whether I’m interested in purchasing, partnering or referring your products/services;

Please book a 15, 30, 45, or 60-minute session directly on my calendar here:

15 minutes ($250)

30 minutes ($500)

45 minutes ($750)

60 minutes ($1000)

*When you book, you’ll have an opportunity to describe the issues you’d like to discuss. If I feel I can’t offer any useful perspectives, I will cancel our call and fully refund your payment.

Startups Founders
  • Fundraising Feedback & Brainstorming: This 90-minute session will help you improve your fundraising performance. First you’ll send me your deck, so I can get feel for your business and pitch. Then, we’ll have a call to review your fundraising strategy, identify ways to optimize your investor pipeline, and hone your pitch. Following our call, you’ll receive access to templates, guidelines, and articles that have helped dozens of founders raise millions of funding. Get details and book time here.
  • 1:1 Founder Coaching: I serve as a strategic advisor and coach to select startup founders on an ongoing basis. I help them accelerate fundraising, leadership skills, organizational development and go-to-market strategy…and provide the confidential sounding board that all founders need. There’s more information and an application here.
Emerging Fund Managers
  • Venture Partner as a Service: I serve as an advisor, venture partner and/or IC member to help emerging fund managers & CVCs accelerate development of their platforms. Activities may include helping to refine and validate your thesis, portfolio model & pitch; fundraising strategy & operations, deal flow and support ecosystem development, portfolio company support and/or leadership development. Please reach out to discuss your situation.
Speaking Engagements & Other Advising